Online therapy is increasingly popular and I believe it can be as effective as face to face counselling sessions. You may choose to do all of your therapy sessions online (I have clients from all over the UK) or you may want to do a mix of in-person and online. 

Convenience: You can attend therapy sessions from the comfort of your own home or any other location with an internet connection. This can save you time and money on travel.

Flexibility: Not having to factor in travel or extended time away from work makes it easier to find a time that fits your schedule.

Accessibility: Being able to access online counselling is helpful if you live in a more rural area, have transportation challenges, or have difficulty leaving your own home.

Privacy: Online therapy can be a more private and relaxed option for some people than in-person therapy. This is because you can attend sessions from a location where you feel safe and comfortable.

I use Zoom as a platform for my online sessions because it is secure and end-to-end encrypted. We will arrange a backup option before the session (e.g. I will you phone you) should the internet connection fail for one or both of us. The benefits of online counselling are that you can access your sessions from anywhere, however, you will need to ensure you have a quiet space where you will not be interrupted or overheard.